If I were to save up all the tears I’ve shed for the last 2 weeks, I would have probably filled up a glass by now. I don’t know what exactly am I crying for – Could it be the coincidental passing away of my 2 good friends Ralph and Litly? Or my best friend Glocel’s unexpected relocation? How about my being unemployed for the last 3 months? Or imminently becoming broke for the next few days? I could also even blame it on PMS, that monthly issue that we women have to go through half our lives. But for whatever it is, all I know is that the feeling is as painful and excruciating as a root canal, as awful as hitting your shins onto your bed frame, and perhaps, as horrible as jamming your knuckles in a car door!
Losing friends physically and geographically, becoming unproductive, these are such a depressing way to start the new year. I wonder why I have to go through this desolation. Surely, separation pay does not pay much of the separation anxiety. But then, everything else in this world is just temporary. I may still be at a loss but life must go on, as dead people also have to go on with their eternal lives.
Ralph and Litly, may you find true happiness in God’s loving arms. See you soon my friends (much later, I mean).
Glocel, I will miss you on a daily basis (though I’m sure you’ll miss me even more). But I will definitely still see you around, come high tide or low.
On the brighter side, I know I’ll get hold of that elusive job sooner than I think. I may never get rid of being broke, but I know I’ll be able to get by. And all these transitory goodbyes will just fade away as I weave myself back into my normal life.