I am writing this in the middle of a late, pasta lunch. Late for me means past 12 noon because I'm an early person when it comes to meal consumption. So why late? I bought my lunch around 11 but when I got back, the office was quite packed with people my boss was trying to convince with her advocacy. I had to wait 'til they got settled with their own lunch. I wonder what took me so long to think that I could actually eat on my work table. How uncomplicated my life would have been. Anyway. Why pasta? I happened to eat at sbarro last night, enjoyed their spaghetti with white sauce so much (as if it was my first time!) that I promised myself to have the same stuff by lunch the next day.
So what's with the new blog?
I've tried Friendster way back (I got bored). Then signed up with Multiply (found it interesting at first but found out later on that there's not much you can do around it, or was it just me, who didn't know how to move around?). Twitter? I'm no Ashton Kutcher, so that's out of the list. Then I was challenged to get into Facebook for the simple reason that my 12 year old nephew already had his own page while I didn't. By some chance, I enjoyed FB so much I could not get thru another day without checking my account one last time before I sleep (no wonder my phone bill soars like a space rocket nowadays, perhaps that's the trouble with not having internet access at home). And I'm not even into farming nor any mob yet. It just excites me to be in touch with people I've come acrossed with for the last 30 years or so (sadly I have lost touch with friends beyond that time frame). Who would have thought that Rommel, my best friend in Grade 5 would still be the same giggly gay? That Judy, my Grade 2 best friend is still as funny as we were 8 years old? And most of all, who can ever resist complimentary eavesdropping? Thanks to you, Mark Zuckerberg!
I got into tumblr because I overheard from a friend that if you wanted to do a lot, get into tumblr. My intention was not purely about writing because like most other people, I am not gifted in that zone. I only wanted something where I could put altogether (electronically) stuff that I love such as photos, writeups, newsclips, music, videos, etc. I was already deep into tumblr before I heard of Blogger and found it out rather late. But nevertheless, for as long as everything else here is free of charge, I might as well give it a try. Even if no one actually bothers to read my other blog.
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