People always tell me I never change. Be they former teachers or classmates or friends, whenever we meet, I am usually greeted with the "Hey, you haven't changed at all!" line. In the last 10 years or so, I have significantly gained weight and unusually grew my hair into a ponytail, and these 2, I guess are proof enough of having physically evolved yet people still tell me I haven't changed at all, all the time. ?. My teacher Raymund once told me (with some friends around) - "You are one person who doesn’t change at all, you just grow or cut your hair short but still manage to look the same." Thank you, I was at a loss for a response.
And it’s totally the same case with old friends. They keep telling me I’m still the same old Leslie and it puzzles me no end what makes them say so. I may be clever at times but I’m rather clueless on taking it as a compliment or just plain butter up. A person may look unchanged in a span of 5 years maximum but after 2 decades, and still you get a positive reception, then it must be art. I better keep it going.
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