Words used to come out at such unlikely moments – while I’m in transit or during a bath or in the middle of the night, when I’d suddenly jump out of bed and reach out for a pen and paper (usually accumulated receipts from my wallet) and just jot them down till they all come into place. Sometimes, (especially when the signal’s full) I just go ahead and encode them instantly but most of the time, it takes the whole day for me to write and rewrite these ambushed thoughts. It has been a while since I last had an attack of words. October was supposedly an emotional month for me but words just didn’t show up like they always do. I don’t know why.
Today, November 7th – again at such an unlikely moment (while washing my delicate undies) – words unexpectedly flowed out along with the water coming out from the faucet. I had to rush before they run down the drain. And so here I am again, updating my fanless blog, trying hard to fill up the emptiness I’ve felt the past days. When, where and how they come next, I certainly have no idea. It just feels a lot better every time they get out.
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