Yesterday, my high school friend F secretly shared to me she was somewhat torn between a) 2 job offers – 1 in Singapore and another in Dubai, and b) a marriage proposal. The latter was also more of an offer itself as it came not from a lovestruck boyfriend but from a not-so-close Fil-Am chat friend. She promised to update me next week, after their first eyeball.
This morning, my Grade 5 bestfriend R excitedly revealed to me he has found a new boyfriend! Yep, he has a new boyfriend. R is openly gay. I’ve only known him for a year when we were in 5th grade yet when we met again through Facebook, the short period we’ve known each other turned out to be more than forever. Without any delay, he emailed me photos of his new paramour. I was taken by surprise; the guy could certainly give Brad Pitt a run for his money (R’s money that is!). And this Brad wanna be is only from Laguna!
Later this afternoon, my close friend G amusingly told us of another “proposal”. Her older sister is married to an American who happens to have an unattached male cousin who is so envious (of the sister’s husband) for having the sister for a wife, asking if there’s anyone else in the sister’s family who’s still available. The older sister is obviously tickled to match her little sister and the envious cousin. My friend G is amused.
I had fun absorbing these stories. My 3 friends are all 40ish.
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