Checking my mails this morning certainly made me chuckle - i got an FB invitation from my local idol, Tommy Osmeña. Yeah, THE Tommy Osmeña. I’ve often told friends one of my frustrations as a Cebuano, being a former Mandauehanon and now a Consolacionista, is not being able to vote for Tommy O. I've always believed in the guy, no need to explain further.
Who, what, how, whatever. I'm proud to be his 2,236th friend.
Last night before going to sleep, I enjoyed chatting with the Xboys - my nephews Jolas and Xyxy. The usually quiet 13-year old Jolas was expressively curious, showing interest on taking up Civil Engineering when he gets into college. I, in return, explained to him the step-by-step process of getting into the university life. Xyxy says he likes Science and would love to work in a laboratory creating formulas. So you want to become a chemist, I asked him. He said yes and asked me back if education is really that important. Feeling rational to a 1st-grader, I told him yes, and that education is the only wealth nobody can ever take away from you. Suddenly he changes his mind – "I’d rather be a boxer like Pacquiao!". "So you want to have black eyes too?" I quipped. “Ay, mag-chemist na lang ko!” he mutters before dozing off into slumber.
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