Surfing my Facebook account today, I chanced upon some photos uploaded by an old friend from grade school. Her photos were probably taken during a conference of Microsoft employees recently held in Atlanta, USA. One of the said photos had Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates’ face prominently displayed on a wide screen. Having seen the famous business mogul on the picture, I was awed – at my friend, for having Bill Gates as her boss.
To compensate my envy, I reminded myself of the newly elected president Noynoy Aquino’s vow to the citizenry – “Kayo ang boss ko!” Now, how is that in comparison to having Bill Gates as your boss?
15 years ago, a schoolmate came up to me offering life insurance. In the course of our conversation, she asked me of anyone else from our school whom she could also offer her proposals. Thinking to be of help, I mentioned a friend’s name. The schoolmate instantly told me the friend I suggested had earlier declined as she already had plans of getting herself a new car, a reason farthest from my immediate plan that day – of which was to buy myself a new pair of socks!
Farther back to the summer of 1982, I was an incoming 6th grader in a new city. Having Ateneo as the best school in town, my father took me there to try my luck. I made it. I fairly passed the entrance test. However, while the school administrator explained the school’s standards to my father – that of maintaining an average grade of 80 or higher, he (my Pa) suddenly got confused. Immediately he decided to take me somewhere else. I got even more confused!
About a kilometer away was the Philippine Women’s College. Soon enough, I found myself taking another entrance test, went through a short interview and next thing I knew, I was already enrolled! What can I say; I was only 12 years old.
Oddly, I turned out to be smarter (?) than most of the other kids out there. I was not so sure of the conundrum – was I really that clever, or were they just plain imperceptive kids? Either which, it was still a fun ride. Shhh...
This really made my friday! Keep on writing Far out blogs!
ReplyDeleteBiggie, realizing my friend's boss (albeit indirectly) was Bill Gates, P-Noy's famous quote immediately came up to my mind;
ReplyDeleteAs for the car-socks thing, the friend being referred to is our college friend DD;
Come to think of it, I never got to ask him why. But I'm cool with it. It's actually a non-issue. Though sayang pod no, ka-level unta nako si Kris! hahaha!
Anonymous, you rock lang gihapon hehe!